Join #ERHighSchool Principal Mr. Steinorth and other members of our school community for this year’s first serving of #CoffeeWithThePrincipal, this Thursday, Aug 22, 2024, at 9:00a in the Library.
We are now less than one week from the start of the 2024-2025 school year and we look forward to working with our school community to make this a great year for all our students and their families!
Welcome Eagles! We hope you had an enjoyable summer break. As we prepare for the new 2024-2025 school year to begin next week, there will be two orientation sessions for new students this Wednesday, 8/7 (6:00p-8:00p) and Thursday, 8/8 (10:00a-12:00p).
PE clothes will be sold at the Student Store during this time and accept cash & checks only ($20/shirt | $20/shorts).
A big THANK YOU to our parents, teachers, and community volunteers for taking a leadership role in your PTSA and making a difference in our School Community. Follow this link if you are interested in learning more about the various roles available or reach out to one of our PTA Board Members to see how else you can get involved.
Please take a moment to share your voice regarding ERHS Cell Phone Policy for the coming 2024-2025 school year. Click here for the survey and thank you!
Concern: Cell phone use in the classroom has caused major distractions and disruptions in students’ learning. ERHS would like to implement a new school-wide cell phone policy, and we want your opinion.
Policy: The use of cell phones and electronic devices are allowed before and after school as well as during lunch and passing periods. Use of electronics must not promote the use of alcohol, drugs, obscenities, bullying, harassment or violence. Cell phones are to be turned off/placed on silent and then placed in the teacher-designated location during instructional time. Instructional time includes going to the restroom and leaving the classroom during the class period. ERHS staff may confiscate the device if the student is non-compliant, and can get picked up at the end of the day from the teacher and/or Eagle Center.
On behalf of the PTSA Executive Board, we would like to congratulate you and your children on their achievements toward meeting the graduation requirements for the Class of 2024!
The following is information provided by the ERHS Administration as it applies to the logistics of the Commencement Ceremony to be held at Remsen Bird Hillside Theater at Occidental College on Tuesday, 6/11 at 6:00p to help you and your student get the most enjoyment out of their celebration. (ERHS Graduation Instructions)
As we wrap up the current 2023-2024 School Year, please note that there will be early dismissals on the following days, dismissal at 1:18p (6/6, 6/7, & 6/10) & dismissal at 2:18p (6/11)
Streaming links for our forthcoming 8th Grade Culmination, Senior Awards Night, and Senior Commencement are now available on the ERHS Home Page,
Celebrate your 8th-grade student’s achievements at our Culmination Ceremony, next Thursday, June 6 at 10:00a on the Don Mengel Football Field. A live stream will be available with a link to be posted on the Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School homepage (erhs/la). Congratulations!