Author Archives: Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High PTSA

Los Angeles 10th District PTSA Music Program Scholarship (Due 12/10)

The Tenth District PTSA Music Scholarship Program first began in 1939. Over the past 75 years, hundreds of students have received PTSA scholarships for private music lessons. Please use the following links to submit your applications:

  1. Part 1:  Complete the PTSA Music Scholarship Application Form and Video Submission.
  2. Part 2: The Principal AND Public School Music Teacher must complete the Information requested on**Do not share the information with the applicant***

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #NELASchoolsRock #HighlandsCouncilPTA #Scholarship #10thDistrictPTSA

Postponed: November PTSA Meeting (12/4)

Our next scheduled PTSA General Association Meeting for November has been rescheduled to Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 6:00p.

A Zoom link will be sent to the email you provided when signing up for membership. Thanks in advance, and we look forward to seeing you there! #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #NELASchoolsRock #HighlandsCouncilPTA

Graduating High School Seniors PTSA Scholarship (Application Open)

Applications for one of four 2024-2025 PTSA Graduating Senior Scholarships are now open with a deadline of February 28, 2025, at 9:00 pm.

Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High PTSA offers a $500 Volunteer Service Scholarship to graduating seniors. This scholarship recognizes seniors for volunteer service in schools and communities and allows them to register for courses at accredited colleges, universities, and trade or technical schools. Applicants must be PTSA members graduating from Eagle Rock High School.

The application and accompanying reference forms may be obtained from the following link.

Please email with any questions.

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween. Happy haunting!

Hello Eagles! On behalf of our school administration, please take note of the following dress code and costume guidelines. Regular dress code guidelines are in effect during Halloween. Good moral conduct is expected at all times.

  • Must cover the body appropriately.
  • Tops and bottoms must be worn at all times.
  • Shall not denigrate or defame other groups or ethnicities.
  • No masks, including clown masks, gloves, lighters or markers allowed.
  • No makeup that may obscure the identity of an individual may be worn on campus.
  • No costume may be worn that is unsafe or that may create a safety hazard.
  • No weapons, toy weapons, or replicas of weapons are allowed.
  • No exposure of underwear.
  • No see-through clothing.

The school administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of each student’s costume, even if the costume meets all the dress code guidelines. If a costume is deemed to be a distraction or disruption of the academic setting, students will be asked to change.

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncilPTA #Autumn #Halloween

LAUSD Board District 5 School Budget Seminar (10/30 5:00p)

The office of Board Member Jackie Goldberg will be hosting a Zoom and in-person meeting related to school budgets.

  • Learn WHAT School Site Governing Councils are and HOW you can get involved.
  • Discuss school budgets and how they are managed.
  • Get your questions answered by school representatives and the Board Member

The in-person meeting will take place nearby at Irving STEAM Magnet Middle School (3010 Estara Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90065) and on Zoom. RSVP Required.

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncilPTA #Jackie4LAkids

USC MESA Family Fun Day (11/2 9:00a)

Great ready for bonding, making memories, and enjoying a wide range of fun-filled Family Friendly STEAM activities. MESA stands for Math Engineering Science Achievement and here’s what you can expect and more:

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncilPTA #STEM #MESA