Author Archives: Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High PTSA

Health Care Town Hall & Resource Fair with #RepJimmyGomez (9/9 9:30a)

Congressmember Jimmy Gomez of California’s 34th Congressional District will lead a discussion on #MedicareForAll & meet vendors with resources, like Kids’ dental care; 👓 Vision consultation; 🧠 Mental health support; and 💻Covered California open enrollment assistance.

RSVP Here. Location will be emailed 24 hours ahead of the event 

#NELASchoolsRock #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncil #TenthDistrictPTSA #PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #jackie4lakids #LASchools #CoveredCA

Hello, Eagles! Reminders for a Busy Week

Hello, Eagles! Here are a few reminders of activities happening on campus this week including a couple of school holidays…

  • 8/30 (5:00p) Title I Meeting [Library]
  • 8/30 (5:30p) GATE Meeting [Cafeteria]
  • 8/30 (6:00p) Back to School Night
  • 9/01 (HOLIDAY) Admissions Day
    • Commemorates the day in 1850 when California became the 31st state in the United States.
  • 9/04 (HOLIDAY) Labor Day

Have a safe and enjoyable long holiday weekend

National PTA School of Excellence (Final Survey)

Hello, Eagles!

On behalf of Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High PTSA, we would like to thank you all for your continued support of our programs to help enrich the academic experiences of our children, teachers and staff, and the school community at large.

To close out another successful school year, we ask you to please take a few minutes and provide feedback via our Second Survey.

Have a safe and fun-filled summer break and we’ll see you in August!

Miembro de la PTSA de Eagle Rock High,

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de responder esta segunda y última encuesta corta (20 preguntas en total) para que la solicitud de nuestra escuela sea reconocida por The National PTA como Escuela de Excelencia. Convertirse en una Escuela de Excelencia reconocida a nivel nacional abre la puerta a fondos adicionales a través de subvenciones y premios, nos ayuda a reclutar nuevas familias y estudiantes, e infunde un sentido de orgullo en nuestra escuela pública. ¡Agradecemos su apoyo!

Reda Rountree

Presidente de la PTSA de Eagle Rock High, 2022-23