Please take a moment to share your voice regarding ERHS Cell Phone Policy for the coming 2024-2025 school year. Click here for the survey and thank you!
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Concern: Cell phone use in the classroom has caused major distractions and disruptions in students’ learning. ERHS would like to implement a new school-wide cell phone policy, and we want your opinion.
Policy: The use of cell phones and electronic devices are allowed before and after school as well as during lunch and passing periods. Use of electronics must not promote the use of alcohol, drugs, obscenities, bullying, harassment or violence. Cell phones are to be turned off/placed on silent and then placed in the teacher-designated location during instructional time. Instructional time includes going to the restroom and leaving the classroom during the class period. ERHS staff may confiscate the device if the student is non-compliant, and can get picked up at the end of the day from the teacher and/or Eagle Center.