Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has prepared the following resources to assist you and your students in discussing and better understanding the Israel-Gaza War. Additionally, you will find a statement from Superintendent Carvalho with additional resources prepared by LAUSD.
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Dear Families,
Los Angeles Unified embraces dignity, humanity, and respect for all cultures, races, and ethnicities. We are committed to all. We stand in solidarity with the United States and many other nations in repudiating the recent attacks in Israel. Our priority, as always, is maintaining a safe and welcoming school environment, and we will take appropriate and immediate action to respond to any and all threats to our learning communities.
The District is also committed to providing the resources necessary to help your school community cope effectively with events like these. We want to assure you that our schools are committed to helping students and their families navigate these challenging times that may give rise to hate violence and antisemitism.
Furthermore, we incorporate discussions about global conflicts, including the recent development in Israel, into our curriculum in an age-appropriate and sensitive manner. With these open discussions in safe places, we can empower our students to become informed global citizens.
Children look to the adults for a sense of safety and security – even more so in times of crisis. The Psychological First Aid protective factors call upon us to listen, protect, connect, model and teach our children. Los Angeles Unified’s Parent/Caregiver Roadmap for Social-Emotional Wellbeing and Academic Success’ five elements of resilience are especially helpful as support your child: a sense of safety, ability to calm, a sense of self- and community-efficacy, connectedness and hope & growth mindset.
Here are some tips on how to talk to your child about war and conflict:
- Find out what your children know and how they feel
The images being profiled on the media can be terrifying. Try to shield children from disturbing images.
- Keep it calm and age-appropriate
Children have a right to know what’s going on in the world, but adults also have a responsibility to keep them safe from distress. Try not to overshare any fears with your child.
- Spread compassion, not stigma
This can be challenging when talking about the atrocities of war. Focus on messaging that children that everyone deserves to be safe at school and in society. Bullying and discrimination are always wrong and we should each do our part to spread kindness and support each other.
- Focus on the helpers
It is important for children to know that there are people who are exercising courage and kindness, and promoting peace. There are adults at school for your child to talk to if they desire.
Resources for parents and educators:
LAUSD’s Office of Human Relations, Diversity & Equity will be posting resources for families and educators throughout the week.
Tips for Parents and Educators Parents and educators can help protect children by helping them understand media coverage while limiting their exposure to distressing images.
Reactions you might see and how you can help in, Helping Youth after Community Trauma: Tips for Educators, a guide from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.
Your comfort, support and reassurance can make children feel safe, help them manage their fears in a healthy way. This guide by the Child Mind Institute can help children cope with traumatic events.
Student and Family Wellness Hotline The Student and Family Wellness Hotline at (213) 241-3840 is available to families and staff, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. District mental health staff are available to answer questions and provide resources.
Should you require any further support, please do not hesitate to speak with your school principal or contact your Region office.
Region North: (818) 654-3600
Region South: (310) 354-3400
Region East: (323) 224-3100
Region West: (310) 914-2100
Alberto M. Carvalho