(10/6 6:00p) https://lausd.zoom.us/j/7633381663?pwd=ckNDd3ZrRXYwNEtaQ01RNU1Yckdzdz09
Meeting ID: 763 338 1663
Passcode: DOTS
(10/7 9:00a) https://lausd.zoom.us/j/7633381663?pwd=ckNDd3ZrRXYwNEtaQ01RNU1Yckdzdz09
Meeting ID: 763 338 1663
Passcode: DOTS
Join our LAUSD DOTS (District Office of Transition Services) teacher, Mrs. Kirch for Zoom sessions to learn about available services to support your IEP student and family including:
- Providing transition assessment and instruction
- Assisting students with post-secondary planning
- Making connections to outside agencies
- Mentoring students in work-based learning programs
For more information, check out: DOTS Website
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Kirch at tjh9414@lausd.net