California State PTA urges all parents, teachers, members, advocates, and citizens to support Prop 31. Additional resources can be found here
In other words, if approved/supported by the voters (YES votes) this proposition would allow SB 793 to go into effect and make it illegal to sell flavored tobacco products in the state of California. A law that would protect the children and families of California.

The voter registration deadline is 15 days before Election Day and the registration must be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than October 24, so, register early! (
Since the passage of SB 793 in 2020, corporations that manufacture tobacco products like Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds have spent millions to delay the law, with the goal of stopping it permanently.
Proposition 31 asks voters whether they want to approve or reject the law regarding flavored tobacco products that was already passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor. A YES vote means that you approve SB 793 and want to keep it.