Hello, Eagles! It’s the National PTA Reflections Program! (Art Contest)

We invite all our student artists and creators to participate in the Reflections Student Art Show, organized by the PTSA. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection” and we encourage all students to express themselves and share their creativity with our school community! All Award of Excellence (1st place) recipients at the school unit level will be entered to win a prize of up to $100.

Categories include Visual Arts, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, Photography, Literature & Film Production

Submit online or download physical entry forms or pick one up from the Perch Library. The deadline to enter including artwork file is October 31, 2024. Physical artwork is not due until it is requested, if you are filling out a physical entry form, please submit physical artwork. Students can bring their artwork to the school office. Make sure to label your artwork with name, grade, and email.

All artwork will be showcased in an off-campus art show in December. Date and details to come. Students may also have the opportunity to advance to the district, state, and national level of the Reflections Art Program.

We can’t wait to see how our amazing students express their creativity! If you have any questions please email theresacoxwell@gmail.com.

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Please Complete Your Household Income Form (HIF) If You Have Not Done So

Hello, Eagles! Friendly reminder to please take a moment to fill out the Household Income Form (HIF) which directly impacts funding for Eagle Rock Jr/Sr HS. Please help our school achieve 100% participation.

You are encouraged to complete the form for each child. The form is completely confidential and there is the option to not report your income; The form may be completed online at https://hif.lausd.net

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Dangerous Heat Affecting the City of Los Angeles

This is an important message from the City of Los Angeles NotifyLA System

Dangerous heat for the LA Region is expected from today through at least Wednesday.

Los Angeles is expecting another heat wave from today through at least Wednesday. The City of Los Angeles has air-conditioned cooling centers at designated Recreation and Parks facilities open 10am-9pm. In addition, the Los Angeles Public Library’s branches also serve as cooling centers during their regular business hours.

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Other cooling sites, including their locations and dates and hours of operation can be found at: Emergency.LACity.gov/Updates 

Augmented Cooling Centers are safe, free locations to rest and relax during extreme heat.  If you have lost power, you can also come to an augmented cooling center to charge your phone, charge a medical device or assistive device like a wheelchair, and get water. Augmented cooling centers also have refrigeration available for medications- please call the center prior to arriving to ensure that appropriate services are available.

Report outages so that the Department of Water and Power (DWP) is aware of them. Call 1-800-DIAL DWP (1-800-342-5397) or visit LADWP/Outages. For more information on what to do if you lose power, visit: LADWPNews.

Keep cool by resting in shady areas or buildings with air conditioning and drinking plenty of water. If you do not live in an air-conditioned building or your building has lost power, you can take refuge from the heat at a cooling center. You may call 311 to identify the cooling centers closest to you, or visit Ready.LACounty.gov/Heat to see a map of cooling center locations, and hours of operation. 

Check on relatives and neighbors, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions or are sensitive to heat.  Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.  Additional information about staying safe during extreme heat, and other cooling resources can be found at Emergency.LACity.gov/Extreme-Heat.  

Take extra precautions if you work, exercise, or spend time outside. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening, or until this period of extreme heat is over.  To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments and staying hydrated. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible.  Employers must provide access to sufficient water. 
Heat stroke is a life-threatening emergency; anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location, and then immediately call 911.  Non-emergency heat-related information call 311.

El aviso de calor para la región de Los Angeles permanecerá en efecto, empezando desde este desde hoy hasta al menos el miércoles.

Los Ángeles espera otra ola de calor desde hoy hasta al menos el miércoles. La ciudad de Los Ángeles cuenta con centros de refrigeración con aire acondicionado en instalaciones designadas de parques y recreación, abiertos de 10 a. m. a 9 p. m. Además, las sucursales de la Biblioteca Pública de Los Ángeles también sirven como centros de enfriamiento durante su horario comercial habitual.

Encuentre la lista actual de centros de enfriamiento, incluidas sus ubicaciones y fechas y horarios de operación actualizados, visitando: Emergency.LACity.gov/Updates

Los centros de enfriamiento aumentado son lugares seguros y gratuitos para descansar y relajarse durante el calor extremo.  Si se ha quedado sin electricidad, también puede acudir a un centro de enfriamiento aumentado para cargar su teléfono, cargar un dispositivo médico o un dispositivo de asistencia como una silla de ruedas y conseguir agua. Los centros de enfriamiento aumentado también tienen refrigeración disponible para medicamentos; llame al centro antes de llegar para asegurarse de que haya servicios adecuados disponibles.

Para informar cortes para que el Departamento de Agua y Energía (DWP) esté al tanto. Llame al 1-800-DIAL DWP(1-800-342-5397) o visite LADWP/Cortes.

Manténgase fresco descansando en áreas con sombra o edificios con aire acondicionado y bebiendo mucha agua. Si no vives en un edificio con aire acondicionado o tu edificio se ha quedado sin electricidad, puedes refrescarte del calor en un centro de enfriamiento. Puede llamar al 311 para identificar los centros de enfriamiento más cercanos a usted o visitar https://ready.lacounty.gov/heat/ para ver un mapa de las ubicaciones de los centros de enfriamiento y los horarios de atención.

Revisa a tus familiares y vecinos, especialmente si tienen problemas de salud preexistentes o son sensibles al calor.  Los niños pequeños y las mascotas nunca deben dejarse solos en los vehículos bajo ninguna circunstancia. Puede encontrar información adicional sobre cómo mantenerse seguro durante el calor extremo y otros recursos de enfriamiento en www.emergency.lacity.org/heat.
Tome precauciones adicionales si trabaja, hace ejercicio o pasa tiempo al aire libre. Cuando sea posible, reprogramar las actividades extenuantes para las primeras horas de la mañana o la tarde, o hasta que termine este período de calor extremo.  Para reducir el riesgo durante el trabajo al aire libre, la Administración de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional recomienda descansos frecuentes en ambientes sombreados o con aire acondicionado y mantenerse hidratado. Use ropa liviana y holgada cuando sea posible.  Los empleadores deben proporcionar acceso a suficiente agua. 

El golpe de calor es una emergencia que pone en peligro la vida. Cualquier persona abrumada por el calor debe ser trasladada a un lugar fresco y sombreado, y luego llamar inmediatamente al 911. Puede encontrar información relacionada con el calor que no sea de emergencia llamando al 311.

Connect with the ERHS Parent Center

Stay connected with the Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School Parent Center across a variety of social media channels to fit your following needs.

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Reminder: General Association Meeting (09/18 6:00p)

Hello, Eagles! Please join us at our First General Association Meeting of the 2024-2025 School Year! This will be opportunity to meet your new PTSA Executive Board in addition to reviewing and approving of the 2024-2025 Budget and Calendar. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Join one of the ERHS Advisory Councils

Parents and Students, consider joining the ERHS English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Local School Leadership Council (LSLC), or School Site Council (SSC)! Share your voice about school funding, academic goals, and more.

Orientation will be held virtually next Thursday, 9/19 at 4:00p followed by elections at 4:30 both virtually (Zoom Meeting Link) and in the school library. Submit your self-nomination by Wed, 9/18 via the following Parent Self-Nomination Form.

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