Announcing Our 2025 Reflections Art Contest Winners

We are excited to share the results of the Reflections District and State art competitions! We couldn’t be more proud of our students who participated in Reflections this school year, inspired by the theme “Accepting Imperfection.”  

Of the 7 students that advanced from Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High, winners attached,  6 won the Award of Excellence (1st place) and 1 won the Award of Merit (2nd Place) at the district level. 

The 6 first-place winners advanced to compete at the CA state-level competition. Of these 6 students, we are excited to announce that 2 of our Eagles won awards at the California State level.

  • Kai Hosein has won Outstanding Interpretation (1st place) in Music Composition and is moving on to the National Reflections Art Contest!
  • Evan Foxx has won the Award of Merit (2nd place) in the Literature category. Both students’ works of art will be showcased at the CA State PTA convention.

View the 10th District Awards List here. View the District Awards of Excellence Gallery here

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Graduating High School Seniors PTSA Scholarship (Deadline Extended to 3/31) – CORRECTED EMAIL

Applications for one of four 2024-2025 PTSA Graduating Senior Scholarships are still open with an extended deadline of March 31, 2025, at 9:00 pm.

Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High PTSA offers a $500 Volunteer Service Scholarship to graduating seniors. This scholarship recognizes seniors for volunteer service in schools and communities and allows them to register for courses at accredited colleges, universities, and trade or technical schools. Applicants must be PTSA members graduating from Eagle Rock High School.

The application and accompanying reference forms may be obtained from the following link.

Please email with any questions.

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #ClassOf2025 #Scholarship

Learn Python with Latinitas (Free)!

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #Latinitas #CodeChica

The Code Chica cohort is an 8-week long certification program for students to learn the ins and outs of Python, with opportunities to hear from real world professionals about their career path.

This program is completely virtual and free. The age range for this program is 14 years old – 18 years old. Code Chica Cohort will run from March 1st, 2025 – April 26th, 2025 and is slotted for Saturdays at 9 am-12 pm PST.

La cohorte Code Chica es un programa de certificación de 8 semanas de duración para que los estudiantes aprendan los entresijos de Python, con oportunidades para escuchar a profesionales del mundo real sobre su trayectoria profesional. Este programa es completamente virtual y gratuito. El rango de edad para este programa es de 14 a 18 años. Code Chica Cohort se desarrollará del 1 de Marzo de 2025 al 26 de Abril y está programado para las 9 a. m. a 10 p. m. PST.

Class of 2025 Disneyland Grad Nite (6/13/25) Tickets Are On Sale!

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #GradNite #Classof2025

We’re excited to announce that our PTSA will continue the tradition of providing Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High School graduating seniors with the opportunity to attend Grad Nite at Disneyland Resort. Since 1962, this ongoing tradition has been established to support our students in celebrating their achievements and creating lasting memories with their classmates. Grad Nite at Disneyland Resort is an exclusive event that offers seniors a fun-filled night of entertainment, attractions, and special activities. Our PTSA is committed to giving our students opportunities to celebrate their accomplishments safely and memorably. We look forward to continuing this tradition and celebrating our graduating seniors in the years to come. Please email with any questions or if you are interested in participating on our Grad Nite Committee.

Click here to sign up to assist with Ticket Sales!

Access the Student Contract/Permission Form, Waivers, Disneyland Policies/Expectations

Donate to support an ERHS Senior attending Grad Nite. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

General Association Meeting & Elections (3/12 6:00p)

Please join us at our next General Association Meeting on Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, at 6:00p via Zoom*

We will conduct elections of officers for the forthcoming 2025-2026 School Year based on the slate of nominees below with current vacancies as noted. Additionally, nominations from the floor will be accepted for all roles shown. We look forward to seeing you there!

*A Zoom link will be sent to the email you provided when signing up for membership.

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #Elections

10th District Past President Legacy Scholarship (due 3/11)

The Tenth District Past President Legacy Scholarship (Programa de Becas Legado del Ex Presidente) application period is open with all applications due no later than, March 11, 2025. Please use the following links to submit your applications:

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